Saturday afternoon’s Law Day event at the Calgary Courts Centre once again featured a familiar face from the Stamps.
As per yearly tradition, the event celebrating the signing of Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms included a mock custody trail involving Ralph the Dog, the Stampeders’ beloved mascot.
Thanks in large part to star witness Charlie Power, it was ruled that Ralph will remain in Calgary with the Red and White under the supervision of his father rather than heading north to Edmonton to reside with his mother and cheer on the rival Eskimos.

The jury consisted of 14 children who heard both sides of the case before unanimously deciding that Ralph stay where he belongs.
Past Stamps player participation has included Charleston Hughes and former star running back Jon Cornish.
Law Day takes place every April in seven cities across Alberta and is designed to educate youth on Canadian democracy and the legal profession.
In addition to the ‘Custody Battle of the Gridiron,’ other activities at the day-long event included a public-speaking competition, courthouse tours and other lighthearted arbitrations and mediations for educational purposes.